Mladi nefrolozi Srbije


Welcome to the new website of the Serbian Society of Nephrology

Dear visitors,

We are delighted to announce the launch of the new website of the Serbian Society of Nephrology. In order to provide the latest news in nephrology efficiently and clearly, we have created this new website whose uncomplicated and improved navigation and new design will help you find the information you need in a fast and easy-to-use way.

Here you will find lots of information about upcoming congresses, meetings, conferences related to the field of nephrology, continuing educational programmes, both in our country and abroad, which will help you plan your work commitments. This site will provide updated addresses and contacts with Dialysis centres in Serbia and the latest proposals for changing the standards in the treatment of dialysis patients. If you wish to receive reports and notifications by email, you can subscribe to our free newsletter.

We hope that this website will further develop and become a valuable resource and interactive connection for all nephrologists in Serbia.

With my sincere regards,

President of the Serbian Society of Nephrology

Prof. dr Mirjana Laušević


Dear colleagues,

To become a member of SSN, please download the file at the bottom of the page, fill in all fields, sign it and send it to our e-mail address:


To download the application form in Word 2003 format, click here: