Dear colleague,
The deadline for abstract submission for the 6th Serbian Congress of Nephrologists is March 15,
2023. Please follow the instructions below when submitting abstracts:
1. Abstracts should be written in Word for Windows, using Times New Roman font size 11.
2. Do not use Caps Lock in the title and avoid abbreviations.
3. The names of authors and co-authors should be written with their name initials and full surnames. The first author is also presenting author. Under the name of the authors, please provide the names of the institutions.
4. Abstract should have four chapters: Introduction and aims, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion.
5. Abstract (without the title, author's name and the names of the institutions) cannot be longer than 350 words.
6. In the section below the abstract, write the full name and surname of the corresponding author, including e mail address.
7. Send the summary via the website of the Serbian Society of Nephrology.
The submission form and all additional information will be published on January 15 on this site.